Saturday, July 21, 2012

Life is a popularity contest

Please like us. Please like me.  Like us on ..... Come join us and like us to win a prize.

Life is all about liking and being liked.  And if you are more liked, then people are more likely to buy from you or spend money to buy your product, and you are going to make more money.

The geek doesn't always win, the smart girl doesn't always get ahead in life.  It doesn't always work out like it does in the movies.

I was never popular at school. I was the fat kid that people laughed at. I had the strange surname that everyone sniggered at when they called out the roll call, as the teachers never got it right.

I had the poor parents so my clothes were not in fashion... I had no fashion sense anyway, so it would've made no difference even if we had money.

I was not liked. I was not likeable. And I have tried to be liked and likeable, and in the process, became I person I don't even like myself, all because I am trying to be liked - I am trying to be something I am not.

To be true to yourself, is that they say.  Well, what if being yourself is not going to get you anywhere in life? 

An easy way I can get liked in the consultation room with my clients is to tell them what they want to hear.  "You are doing a great job with Fluffy" (noticing the advanced dental disease, the arthritic joints and the matted coat, ignoring the fleas as they scurry from one matt of hair to another, and not mentioning it to the owner at all).   And I can't do that, unless it is true.  My honesty will see me end my veterinary career.

 Being liked is going to get me more clients, and a busier practice, with lots of staff running around doing all of the jobs that I hate doing, like cleaning.  Those are things I really dearly want.  I can only get those things if I am liked by my clients.

I have great great clients, who honestly want their pet to be examined, who don't feel guilty when I find things that are not normal, and who go out of their way to get these things fixed up.  But I don't have enough of these ones.

It is all about being liked.  To succeed in life you must make yourself popular, and liked.  But to succeed in this way, means I cannot be true to myself.   I have to be honest and tell owners about what I find when I examine their pet, as I cannot be anything else.  And this makes me unpopular and unliked.

There are flaws in my argument, as there are many rich people who are not popular or liked.  But they make their money in other ways, such as being confident, pushy, bossy or aggressive. 

At the end of the day, I have to tell owners the truth about the condition their pets are in, as that is what is best for that animal. It is all about the animals, but unfortunately, that position makes me unlikeable, unpopular, and unlikely to succeed in business.